I'm passionate about helping you trust & act on your intuition, become an excellent Innerwork Life Coach and build your profitable coaching/healing business. 


I'm passionate about helping you trust & act on your intuition, become an excellent Innerwork Life Coach and build your profitable coaching or healing business. 

I'm determined to help you unlock your potential. 


You know you were meant for more in this life. You know you have a talent for helping others, listening, and giving good advice. 

If you have a desire to turn your natural gifts of supporting others into a career...


Then you've come to the right place.




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I'm Michelle...

Founder & CEO of The InnerWork Life Coaching Program + The Business Building Cohort.

I wanted to share a little bit about myself so that you can get a sense of who I am and why I'm passionate about helping women become excellent life coaches and build profitable coaching businesses.

For most of my life I've been teaching & coaching people how to do things that were once hard for me.

School was hard for me, math was hard for me, reading was hard for me. I was a sensitive soul that was wired differently than the people in my environment. 

But I did manage to make it through college and became an elementary school math teacher. I didn't want kids to suffer through math like I did. I knew I could make math class a judgment free and loving environment that created a safe space for learning to take place. 

Years later, I left the educational system to start my own family and while I raised my girls, I studied subjects that fascinated me. 

This journey led me to studying intuition, hypnosis, psychic work and mediumship and many energy and emotional healing modalities.  

Whatever you have a desire to do, you have the ability to do it (or else you would not have the desire).


You'll have doubts along the journey, that's normal!


But never let your limited mind & limiting beliefs stop you from moving your life & your dreams forward. 


There's something greater inside nudging you (maybe even yelling at you) to move forward and take the next steps towards your dreams and desires. 


Feel that part of you and connect deeply to it.  


Find a teacher and a program that will support your dreams and help you get there. 


If you feel that I might be the mentor for you, I'd love to help you. 


Below you'll find all the ways that we can start working together. You choose what's right for you. Trust yourself.

Intuition Circle

For women who want to develop their intuitive abilities and learn to trust & act on their own inner guidance.  

Learn more

The InnerWork Life Coaching Self Study Program

A self paced life coaching program designed to give you the tools, techniques and training that you need to become an excellent InnerWork Life Coach that gets real & measurable results for you clients in every single session.

Learn More

The Business Building Cohort

For life coaches, intuitives, & healers who are ready to build their profitable life coaching/healing businesses. 

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