3 Simple Steps to Meet Your Spirit Guides

Mar 13, 2017

I have to be honest, I can’t always tell the difference between myself, my higher self, my soul, loved ones in spirit and my spirit guides (there are many more aspects of the self that I’m not including here and no, I don’t have multiple personality disorder).   

Today, I want to talk about meeting your spirit guides.  

Yes, you have spirit guides and we all have spirit guides whether you’re aware of them or not.  When I work with groups of people and individuals in private sessions, I realize that the concept of spirit guides seems to be somewhat abstract and intangible. Everyone seems to have some idea that they have them, but they don’t really know how to meet them and develop a relationship with them.  

I think people have an abstract concept of spirit guides for many reasons. Firstly, there is so much contradicting information out “there” about spirit guides.  What is true? What is false?  Connecting directly to your own spirit guides will bring clarity to what is true for you about your guides.    

But, connecting with your spirit guide takes time and we aren’t good about taking time for things like connecting to spirit guides.    

People don’t connect with their guides because their  lives are extremely busy.  It’s a fact-we live fast paced lives and we don’t add to our google calendars “meet with spirit guides at Starbucks”.  That would be an awesome things to do-meet your spirit guide at Starbucks for a chat!  Another reason people don’t connect consciously to their guides is because they believe they are  “making it up” when they do sense their spirit guide. I would say to those of you who believe that you’re making it up, “yes, you’re make it up and it’s absolutely true!”  

I tapped into my own guides today, and here is what I received: (If any of the information below resonates with you, just know that  is your own guidance system telling you that it’s true for you!) 

  1. Spirit Guides are real and do exist.  Many people see guides in physical form and many do not. Both are fine.
  2. Spirit Guides are helpers to the living consciousness of Earth.
  3. If you call upon your spirit guides, there is more energy available for your guides to assist you. Your free will is energetic so use it to call upon your spirit guides.
  4. Spirit guide energy is light and effervescent.
  5. Spirit guide energy can aid in physical healing, mental healing and clarity and a downright  more fun and happy life.
  6. Spirit guide energy is fun and one of its jobs is to remind you of your childlike and creative energy that you were born with.  Don’t let this part of you close down-you’ll get old!

There is so much more that we can talk about when it comes to understanding spirit guides, but this is enough for now.

Let’s talk about the three steps you can take to meet  your spirit guides. I’m addressing the how and time of connecting to your spirit guides. This action steps take about 5 minutes! This is way faster than meeting your spirit guide at Starbucks!  

Step 1

Set your smartphone timer for 5 minutes.  This helps your conscious mind relax because it knows it doesn’t have to keep track of time for you.  The timer will ring automatically in 5 minutes.  


Sit quietly and begin to inhale and exhale deeply.  You are training your physical body and your conscious mind to relax. The vibration of relaxation is receptive to you consciously connecting to your spirit guides. As you breathe in, notice how your physical body feels and as you exhale say out loud, “releasing all the tension now”. Do this a few more times….inhale and notice any tension in your physical body, and exhale and say, “releasing all tension now”.  After you have done this a 4 or 5 times, I want you to see in your mind’s eye a door in front of you.  Notice what the door looks like. What color is it? What is the door made of?  Notice the handle on the door. What does it look like? What color is it?    

Step in front of the door and place your hand on the handle and notice what it feels like.  I want you to send out the thought to your spirit guides that you would like a guide  to come through the door once you open it. Just send out the thought and invite one of your guides to speak with you.  Now go ahead and open the door and step back a little if you want to allow your guide to come in.    

Allow yourself to imagine, sense and feel your spirit guides presence.

Ask, “what’s important for me to know right now?” and allow an answer to come to you. Ask your guide if  he/she is willing to meet again soon in this space. Allow yourself to receive an answer.  Thank your guide for connecting with you today.  Ask your guide if it’s necessary to go back out the door and receive the answer and end your conscious connection feeling the love and support from your guide.  


Write down your experience in a notebook or journal.  It is soooooo important to bring your experience into the physical.  We are training ourselves to get information from our guides and bring it into the physical.  The job of our guides is to help us navigate (GUIDE) us in the physical world.  

I hope these 3 steps to meet your spirit guide serves you and connects you deeper to your own guidance to co-create a life you love.

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