Some of you might be thinking..."I just need to meditate and then my abilities will open up."

Or...You might be secretly thinking, "What if I don't really have abilities?"

(The truth is...if you have a desire to discover your abilities, then you have abilities!) may feel like...

  •  There's no one to talk to about connecting to your loved ones in spirit and spirit guides.
  • You have a desire to learn about your abilities, but you don't know where to begin.
  • You're know you are meant to do more in this lifetime, but you're not quite sure what it is.

I get it. I've felt this way, too. The worst part is it took me years to get past the doubt and fear.

  • I confused anxiety with picking up on spirit.
  • Fears of giving people the wrong intuitive information.
  • Fears of opening myself up to negativity if I developed my abilities.

Try for 30 Days for $1!

($47/month after that, cancel any time)

I'm thankful for it actually...without the struggles, I would not have discovered what it really takes to develop intuitive abilities. I wouldn't have created The P&I Method.

The P&I Method is a 3 part framework that supports and guides women to developing their intuitive abilities in a safe and grounded way.

What Is The P&I Method?

And this is what you get inside of Intuition Circle

Intuition Circle is my online intuitive development program for women where you get masterclasses+mentorship+community.

Part 1: You Get Masterclasses

When you join Intuition Circle, you will receive immediate access to all the masterclasses. These masterclasses are designed to give you the tools and techniques used by professional psychics+mediums and are taught in a way that is easy to understand and easy to implement.

Part 2: You Get Mentoring

The mentoring sessions are designed to give you LIVE REAL TIME PRACTICE to develop your intuitive abilities. Some members observe the readings we give, some members participate and some members volunteer to be read. You participate at the level you feel comfortable. If you can't make the live readings, no worries. All live sessions are recorded and the replay is available the next day. When you join Intuition Circle you get:

Part 3: You Get Community

Community is essential to intuitive development. WE ARE STRONGER TOGETHER. The Intuition Circle community is a high-vibe environment of like-minded sensitive women that lift each other up. When you join Intuition Circle you get:

Teressa shares her experience since joining Intuition Circle


Barb shares her experience being of Intuition Circle


Here's what Sandy has to say about Intuition Circle


Trista Shares Her Experience Inside Intuition Circle


Here's what Amber has to say about Intuition Circle...


Brand new member Angelique shares her first week inside Intuition Circle


Here's what one of our members has to say about Intuition Circle...


Krissy shares her experience being in Intuition Circle for 7 months


Lori Shares Her Experience Inside Of Intuition Circle


Kitty Shares Her Experience Inside Intuition Circle


Ann Shares Her Experience As A New Member


Did I Mention The Bonuses?

When you join Intuition Circle today, you will also receive the following bonuses. (Value $278)

Here's Everything You Get Inside Of Intuition Circle...

Here's what a few members of Intuition Circle have to say about the masterclasses, receiving readings and the community.

Will Intuition Circle really help me? I'm proud to say I've helped over 100 women inside of Intuition Circle.

Here's what a few members have to say...

“I’ve been in Intuition Circle since October 2018. The class material is very well thought out and presented in a loving professional method. There is no judgement at all with this group. the group is very welcoming and kind. There are a lot of opportunities to share something if you would like. There are opportunities to practice the masterclass that is presented for the month. I’ve learned more about intuition and my gifts than I have from any other class that I have taken. I love being in the group. Michelle is a very good instructor and extremely knowledgeable.”

-Denise Czech

“Michelle is amazing! The intuitive classes have been a great wealth of knowledge and guidance. I have learned so much from the master classes as well as the live classes. Every month is a new master class full of new material. I can honestly say this course and Michelle have given me the opportunity to explore and grow my gifts and abilities. It’s a warm and safe haven to learn and empath the beauty of being an empath.”

 -Nancy Myers

“I have been a part of Michelle’s Intuition Circle for 6 months now. I have always felt I had psychic abilities and mediumship abilities but never identified myself as a psychic, intuitive or medium. As I have been going through each masterclass every month, I have become more confident, no longer discount what I have experienced, and have a support group that I can talk to via the live chat calls or in the private fb group to also validate and test out what I am learning. I have read various books over the years on tapping into psychic abilities with very little success or it helping me in any way. Several classes inside of Intuition Circle, I felt lightyears ahead of whatever books marketed on the topic. Michelle has great content and it has been tremendous in progressing me forward and transforming. The women in this group are also very supporting and caring, which also provides a great learning environment and unthreatening place to speak on various things that we are experiencing. I highly recommend this group and Michelle as an instructor!” 

 -Christine Greenwood


Intuition Circle is an online community of women that are interested in developing their intuitive abilities! Every month you get a Masterclass, group practice, small group practice, Q&A calls, and coaching calls with Michelle plus weekly wrap up emails spotlighting a member, sharing the wins and loving and support members who need some TLC. We also remind you of upcoming events.  You can connect with a supportive community in our Intuition Circle Members only Facebook group.

If you have any interest at all in developing your intuition, then it’s for you.  You might have some doubts or fears of “what if I don’t really have abilities but I’m here to tell you that those feelings are completely normal and the only way to move through those doubts and fears is to join and I will honor and support you wherever you are on your journey. If you don’t have a support system (aka: a group of people who are like you)  then Intuition Circle is for you

Everything is online in the Membership portal! When you join, you will immediately receive an email with your log in information and and link to direct access to the membership portal.  You just log in and can access the masterclass, calendar of events, replays, live classes, Intuition Circle Members only Facebook Group. You can access the Membership portal from your computer, tablet or smartphone.  I send an Intuition Circle weekly wrap up email at the end of each week to encourage and support you and keep you consistent in developing your abilities!

That’s up to you! Honor where you are and how much time you have to devote to Intuition Circle. You can’t fall behind! We are women who have families and commitments and the best thing you can ever do for yourself is honor where you are AND commit to diving into your intuitive development as it serves you and your life.

It will be there waiting for you! You can go back to any masterclass, masterclass replay, etc., at any time and listen/read/watch/practice whenever you want. Intuition Circle gives you flexibility. There are no hard rules. We honor where you are in your development and there is no rush.

One of the biggest issues with sensitive women is that they do pick up on other people’s sadness, fears and anxiety pretty quickly. But, as you develop your intuitive abilities, you will become very clear about your energy and emotions vs. someone else’s. Part of your Intuitive development training is developing this awareness.  As you become more in-tune with how you’re wired, you will differentiate your energy and emotions from others and be able to release what is not yours in a loving way.

Intuition Circle is $1 for the first month and then $47/month after that. You can cancel anytime and you control when you cancel by logging into the membership portal, clicking the "manage my membership" button and clicking unsubscribe. 

Intuition Circle is a self cancel membership.

This means you have full control over how long you stay in Intuition Circle. If/when you decide to cancel your membership, simply log into the Intuition Circle Members Portal, click the "manage my membership" button and cancel. No questions asked.

I want Intuition Circle to be a super safe place for women to connect and share deeply with one another and I have found through my years of teaching intuitive development that a women’s only group creates the best environment for this to take place.  I love and honor men…especially my own husband, but we women need our space:) We do have 1 man who joined our group recently and he is wonderful, but for's mostly women.

Yes! Most women who join doubt their abilities.  This is normal.  Intuition Circle is for any woman who has an interest in learning about Intuitive Development.  All you need in order to start is the desire to learn!  Intuition Circle gives you structure, support, inspiration and community as you begin your journey. In fact, it’s an awesome place to start thanks to the community (ask any question in the Facebook group) and the flexible structure. Instead of going in a million directions and feeling overwhelmed, you can lean on my guidance and start your practice with clarity!

Intuition Circle will enhance your current intuitive abilities. I’ve been developing intuitive abilities now for many years and I’m always surprise how much I learn when I’m practicing consistently with like-minded woman.

Here’s what Intuition Circle members are saying…

“I’m thankful for the Development Circle and this wonderful group of women. I’m still new to the concepts of empath and intuition and was looking for a safe place to grow. I found it here in this group. I’ve been able to give and receive empathic readings for the first time and it has been a wonderful experience! I used to think my thoughts and feelings were random, but through the lessons and practice I’m learning that there is meaning within them. I’m beginning to understand how my intuition, mind, heart, and body work together. It’s making me feel more stable and comfortable in the world. Michelle is a very kink, experienced and encouraging teacher, too. I’m excited to continue learning and growing into the person I was made to be.”


“I want to take this time and thank Michelle and the group for a wonderful experience of this class it has healed me in so many ways. It has also been fun and very rewarding to see myself in the group as we are all in different places in lives and path. Within this safe and sacred space we can step forward with fear anymore, feeling empowered with the tools that have been given here has helped me so much a hermit I was and am no more. Thank you for the wonderful knowledge and heart based center it has come from.”


“This is a very beautiful place to be, if you’re looking to develop your abilities. I feel at home, surrounded by like-minded friends. I can open and explore my abilities in the safety of this environment. The classes are light and very well organized. The group is private and small, so I feel a part of it and I feel recognized and appreciated for who I am. Blessing to all.”



Intuition Circle has been a great class for me to learn more about my gifts and other ways to use them. I love that we have explored other techniques and how to use them. The class format allows us to be with other like-minded, practice our gifts and learn about other ways to use our intuition. I also like that Michelle has created a reading room where we can reach out to other members and practice what we’ve learned. I am so happy that I have found this group, I have learned so much!”


Why Join Intuition Circle Now? Because the era of doubting yourself and your gifts is over. I repeat...over.đź’—

  • It's time to step into your power as a sensitive soul.
  • It's time to develop your abilities and use them to help yourself and others.
  • It's time to fulfill your destiny and Intuition Circle is a safe first step.
  • It's time to connect with spirit on a deeper level. 
  • It's time to believe in yourself and have the confidence and clarity to step into your life purpose.
  • It's time for you to be supported.

Intuition Circle is a self cancelling membership.

This means you have full control over how long you stay in Intuition Circle. If/when you decide to cancel your membership, simply log into the Intuition Circle Members Portal, click the "manage my membership" button and cancel. No questions asked.









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